

“Nine Principles of a Matriarchal Aesthetic”
in: Feminist Aesthetics , Gisela Ecker (ed.), Beacon Press, Boston

1985 / 87     

“Matriarchal Mythology in Former Times and Today”
in: TRIVIA nr.7, Lise Weil (ed.), Amherst, Mass. 1985
and in: Crossing Pamphlet , Freedom, California 1987


“Urania - Time and Space of the Stars. The Matriarchal Cosmology through the Lens of Modern Physics”
in: TRIVIA nr.10, Lise Weil (ed.), Amherst, Mass.


“HAGIA - Academy and Coven”
in: TRIVIA nr.10, Lise Weil(ed.), Amherst, Mass.


”Cultures of the Goddess: A Discussion”
in: ReVision , nr. 3, Joan Marler (ed.), vol. 20, San Francisco


”The Structure of Matriarchal Society. Exemplified by the Society of the Mosuo in China”
( Presentation at the 1. Conference of the Institute of Archaeomythology, July 15, 1998, Madouri, Greece)
in: ReVision , No. 3, Joan Marler (ed.), vol. 21, Washington


“Thou Gaia Art I” (Poem)
in: Her Words, Burleigh Mutén (ed.), Shambala Boston


“ Matriarchal Society: Definition and Theory”
in: The Gift , Genevieve Vaughan (ed.) Athanor, publisher Meltemi, Rome/Italy


“Patriarchy as Society of Domination. Notes on its Rise and Development”
in: The Rule of Mars. The History and Impact of Patriarchy, Cristina Biaggi (ed.), Publisher KIT, New York


“ Did Matriarchal Forms of Social Organization Exist at Çatal Hüyük?”
in: The Journal of Archaeomythology, vol. 2 No. 2, Joan Marler (ed.), Fall/Winter 2006 (online magazine)


Essay about Heide Goettner-Abendroth
in: 1000 PeaceWomen across the Globe, KONTRAST book,
published by the Association “1000 Women for the Nobel Peace Prize 2005”, Zurich, Beck Verlag, Nördlingen/Germany


“Matriarchal Society and the Gift Paradigm: Motherliness as an Ethical Principle
in: Women and the Gift Economy, Genevieve Vaughan (ed.), Inanna Publications, Toronto/Canada


in: Encyclopedia of Motherhood, Andrea O'Reilley (ed.), Demeter Press, Toronto/Canada


“Matriarchal Studies”,
by Barbara Alice Mann/Heide Goettner-Abendroth
in: Oxford Bibliographies, September 3, 2014, Oxford University Press, New York


“ The Journey of a Matriarchal Scholar in a Patriarchal World”
in: Foremothers of the Women's Spirituality Movement: Elders and Visionaries.
Miriam Robbins Dexter/Vicki Noble (eds.)
Amherst/New York, Teneo Press Inc.


“Matriarchal Studies. Past debates and New Foundations”,
in: AJWS. Asian Journal of Women's Studies, vol. 23, no. 1,
published online: March 15, 2017, Routledge, Taylor&Francis, Oxford, U.K.


“Re-thinking ‘Matriarchy' in Modern Matriarchal Studies using two examples: the Khasi and the Mosuo”,
in: AJWS. Asian Journal of Women's Studies, vol. 24, no. 1,
published online: February 16, 2018, Routledge, Taylor&Francis, Oxford, U.K.


“The Relation between Modern Matriarchal Studies and the Gift Paradigm”, in: Genevieve Vaughan (ed.):
The Maternal Roots of the Gift Economy,
Toronto/Canada, Inanna Press.


Matriarcal Politics and Matriarchal Manifesta
(in three laguages), Edition HAGIA, Winzer/ Germany